In addition to cleaning up my blog, I’ve also decided to clean up my Google Reader account, which I have had pretty much since the first syndicator came out (prior to Google Reader even existing) and my facebook friends. I feel somewhat more organised after doing this…since I had more than 1000+ articles yet to be read in my reader. I have marked all of them read, and am going to process them every day, unsubscribe to those things that aren’t worthwhile, and folder it all up properly.
In addition to this, I’m also going through my facebook friends, as there are people on there that I have no idea who they are. Is it logical that I have 247 friends? I couldn’t name that many people I know I don’t think!
Looking back on my blog, the last few years has been…ridiculous…so, it’s my new financial year resolution to update it, to blog more often. So, in honour of my financial resolution, I have updated my profile, so it no longer has the job that I left nearly three years ago, a new haircut (okay, a new profile) and hopefully, more updates.
So, what have I been doing in the last three years? Well…I moved schools. I left the school that I had been at for almost ten years, for a new position at Parramatta. The school that I am at now is highly innovative, actually uses IT in the classroom in a pedagogical focus, integrating project and problem based learning over all subjects, using models integrated from the Buck Institute, and Republic Polytechnic Singapore. I’ve been trained in both models, which was very exciting, my first trips overseas, and am returning in about two weeks to Grand Rapids, Michegin to complete the Train the trainers course for Project Based Learning, so I will be certified to teach teachers how to integrate PBL.
Instead of teaching IT, I am now teaching Cath-tech, which integrates Information and Software Technology and Religion. So, students complete 10 periods a cycle of Cath-tech and they do say, Images of Jesus using Photoshop in integrated projects. To give you a better idea, here are some work samples from our current project where students, in groups must present a 30 minute conference session on Ecumenism titled “Call to Unity” and each student individually creates a logo for the conference, and a logo for their individual session. At the moment, we are voting on which logo is the best, to print a large scale banner, and represent us at the Call to Unity conference.
I was trying to get a good site that would allow students to vote on individual images, but in the end, I just ended up displaying them all with a number, and using a moodle questionaire. If anyone has a good site that would allow you to vote on images, I’d love to see it in the comments.’s hoping my resolution will come to pass!